Dynamically adding key value pairs in dictionary

Photo by Pisit Heng on Unsplash

Dynamically adding key value pairs in dictionary

Create a list of alphabets dynamically

listx = []
for i in range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1):

#['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']
  1. ord(char): The ord function is used to get the Unicode code point (integer representation) of a character. When you pass a character as an argument to ord, it returns an integer representing the Unicode code point of that character. For example, ord('a') returns 97, which is the Unicode code point for the lowercase letter 'a'.

  2. chr(unicode_code_point): The chr function is used to convert a Unicode code point (an integer) back into its corresponding character. When you pass an integer as an argument to chr, it returns the character represented by that Unicode code point. For example, chr(97) returns 'a', which is the character corresponding to the Unicode code point 97.

Create a dictionary with an example output

{'a': 'A', 'b': 'B', 'c': 'C', 'd': 'D', 'e': 'E', 'f': 'F', 'g': 'G', 'h': 'H', 'i': 'I', 'j': 'J', 'k': 'K', 'l': 'L', 'm': 'M', 'n': 'N', 'o': 'O', 'p': 'P', 'q': 'Q', 'r': 'R', 's': 'S', 't': 'T', 'u': 'U', 'v': 'V', 'w': 'W', 'x': 'X', 'y': 'Y', 'z': 'Z'}

we can make this possible by using dictionary comprehension

listx = {}
listx = {chr(i):chr(i).upper() for i in range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1)}

Create a dictionary for the below output

{ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4, 'e': 5, 'f': 6, 'g': 7, 'h': 8, 'i': 9, 'j': 10, 'k': 11, 'l': 12, 'm': 13, 'n': 14, 'o': 15, 'p': 16, 'q': 17, 'r': 18, 's': 19, 't': 20, 'u': 21, 'v': 22, 'w': 23, 'x': 24, 'y': 25, 'z': 26 }

listx = {}
listx = {chr(ord('a')+i):i+1 for i in range(0,20)}

Create a dictionary for the below output

{ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4, 'e': 5, 'f': 6, 'g': 7, 'h': 8, 'i': 9, 'j': 10, 'k': 11, 'l': 12, 'm': 13, 'n': 14, 'o': 15, 'p': 16, 'q': 17, 'r': 18, 's': 19, 't': 20, 'u': 21, 'v': 22, 'w': 23, 'x': 24, 'y': 25, 'z': 26 }

listx = {}
listx = {i-96:chr(i) for i in range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1)}